This project aims to create a data science ecosystem among undergraduate programs in METU and it aims to build bridges between big data research with statistical area. In the learning model that constitutes this project, it is aimed that METU undergraduate students will conduct research in the field of data science as a team in the early stages of their studies and gain scientific research experience with their mentors, preferably, working on big data.

The learning modules will include large data sets and, most fundamentally, data manipulation and analysis methods with Unix and R Programming. The learning process consists of a 3-credit research course (STAT499) followed by a research phase with a mentor for a semester. Along with these studies, DS LAB groups participate in the DataFest competition every year.

This project was launched in 2020 and is still ongoing. Although the number of male students was much higher at the time of application, this ratio was increased in favor of female students while creating the community of the year 2020.

Within the scope of the project, participation in the DataFest competition organized by the American Statistical Association was realized in 2021 and the winners were announced on this page (#ASADataFest21).

Now, we are all ready for the new semester!

Welcome on board!

Dr. Fulya Gökalp Yavuz

(This project is supported by ODTÜ-BAP)